ক্রমিক | শিরোনাম | প্রকাশের তারিখ | ডাউনলোড |
৪১ | ডিটিসিএ’র রাজস্ব খাতে বিভিন্ন পদে (গ্রেড ৫ থেকে গ্রেড ৯) নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি | ৩১-০৮-২০২৩ | |
৪০ | ডিটিসিএ’র বিভিন্ন পদে (১৩-১৭তম গ্রেড) নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি | ৩০-০৭-২০২৩ | |
৩৯ | ঢাকা পরিবহন সমন্বয় কর্তৃপক্ষ (ডিটিসিএ) এর বিভিন্ন পদে নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার চূড়ান্ত ফলাফল | ০৭-০৫-২০২৩ | |
৩৮ | Notice of Results: Request of Interest(EOI) for the Selection of Private Partner of SPC for Clearing Service Operation and Busines Development of Rapid Pass Card. | ০৩-০৪-২০২৩ | |
৩৭ | Notification of Award (NoA): Consultancy Service-S1 Package of Preperation of Comprehensive Transfort Master Plan of Narayanganj and Gazipur City Corporation | ১৪-০৩-২০২৩ | |
৩৬ | Short listed IT Firm & Standard Request for Proposal(SRFP) document for IT Service Provider(Firm) | ১৬-১০-২০২২ | |
৩৫ | Invitation for Proposal for Staff Outsourcing through Firm/Company for MTR-RSTP Project of DTCA | ০৬-১০-২০২২ | |
৩৪ | REOI Closing Date Extention: Extended Closing date notification of Request for Expression of Interest for Selection of Private Partner of SPC for Clearing Service Operation and Business Development of Rapid Pass Card. | ২০-০৯-২০২২ | |
৩৩ | Request for Expression of Interest for Individual Technical Consultant (Transport Modeler-National) of MTR-RSTP Project of DTCA | ১৫-০৯-২০২২ | |
৩২ | Request for Expression of Interest for Individual Technical Consultant (Transport Planner-National) of MTR-RSTP Project of DTCA | ১৫-০৯-২০২২ | |
৩১ | Request for Expression of Interest(REOI) & Terms of Reference(ToR) of IT Service Provider(IT Firm) | ২৫-০৮-২০২২ | |
৩০ | Notice of Request for Expression of Interest for Selection of Private Partner of SPC for Clearing Service Operation and Business Development of Rapid Pass Card. | ১৪-০৮-২০২২ | |
২৯ | Request for Expressions of Interest (EoI) for Consultancy Services of Preparation of Comprehensive Transport Master Plan with Pre-Feasibility Study and Conceptual Design of Truck Terminal for Gazipur City Corporation | ২৮-০৭-২০২২ | |
২৮ | Request for Expressions of Interest (EOI): Consultancy Services of Preparation of Comprehensive Transport Master Plan for Narayanganj City Corporation | ২০-০৭-২০২২ | |
২৭ | Standard Request for Application (SRFA) Selection of Individual Consultant / Jr. Consultant (National) FOR Establishment of Clearing House for Integrating Transport Ticketing System in Dhaka City Adjacent Districts (Phase–II) | ১৫-০৬-২০২২ | |
২৬ | Request for Entrenssion of Interest (REOI): Consultant/Jr. Consultant for Establishment of Clearing House for Integrating Transport Ticketing System in Dhaka City and Adjacent Districts (Phase-II) | ১৫-০৬-২০২২ | |
২৫ | Request for Application (RFA): Transport Planner(Individual Consultant) for Mid-Term Review and Updating of the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for the DTCA Area (MTR-RSTP) | ০৮-০৬-২০২২ | |
২৪ | Request for Application (RFA): Transport Modeler (Individual Consultant) for Mid-Term Review and Updating of the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for the DTCA Area (MTR-RSTP) | ০৮-০৬-২০২২ | |
২৩ | Request for Application (RFA): Junior Consultant (Individual Consultant) for Mid-Term Review and Updating of the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for the DTCA Area (MTR-RSTP) | ০৮-০৬-২০২২ | |
২২ | Request for Expression of Interest (REOI): Individual Technical Consultant (Transport Planner-National) for Mid-Term Review and Updating of the Revised Strategic Transport Plan for the DTCA Area (MTR-RSTP) | ০৮-০৬-২০২২ |